Saturday, December 5, 2009

What age should girls get start to wear makeup and how much of it should they wear?

This question is not appropriate for the current subject.What age should girls get start to wear makeup and how much of it should they wear?
The same age that you are OK with them being with boys, if you're the mom.What age should girls get start to wear makeup and how much of it should they wear?
uhhhhhh dont u think its the wrong category, well il say 14 or 15
Everyone is different so Id say when they feel the need to.

I started wearing mascara around 13 thats basically all thats needed. foundation would just add Zits! If not mascara a soft eyeshadow. Just not too much since they are un experienced and most end up looking clownish.. jeje
cell phones %26amp; plans= makeup? lol but id say 9th grade at least dats wen i started n not a lot becuz u can come off lookin lyk a 2 dolla hoe so maybe some eyeliner, eyeshadow n a lil concealer/ foundation mascara
depends. if they are really mature and not too fast. then maybe 13. and really light. start off slow like mascara....then maybe eyeliner when ready
I started to wear eye shadow at 14, but I dont wear it like that. People will try to say that I be tryna act grown by wearing makeup but let da hatas hate if dey please.

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